How many pros have you played with?



I've seen my fair share of pros over the years, though I ain't never been officially counted as one myself. Pros come and go, drifting from game to game like tumbleweeds. Some are poker lifers, vagabonds with thousands of hours of experience behind them. Others are ambitious young guns looking to make their mark, prove they got what it takes to play with the big boys.

The pros, they know every angle in the book. They read players like open books, got tells and correlations stored away in their heads. Does a pro make every hand an automatic win? Nah, poker's still poker at the end of the day, even for pros. The difference is they study the game, they calculate risks like computers. They turn poker into an art form.

Playing with pros is a study in itself. You pay close attention to the decisions they make, the bets they call and raise. Over time, some of their winning ways start to rub off on you. The pros keep the games fast, the action hot. No pro means a game can drag and get mundane, with folks just going through the motions. Pros create stories that get retold for years. Sharing a table with them is always a highlight.