How often do you change your gambling strategies ?


Well-known member
I think it's probably when the gambling strategies are not working for me that I would actually change , I can't keep on making more losses , I need to make concerns and effort on changing the strategies been used in the first place to actually lower the losses that could be made

How often do you change your gambling strategies ?
I tend to change my gambling strategies as soon as I realise that the one I am employing has become stale and predictable. Only multiple losses will show you those hard facts and inspire you to make a change
I think it's probably when the gambling strategies are not working for me that I would actually change , I can't keep on making more losses , I need to make concerns and effort on changing the strategies been used in the first place to actually lower the losses that could be made

How often do you change your gambling strategies ?
I don't usually change my gambling strategy because i don't believe my losing has anything to do with my strategy. I'm just unlucky and that's why I'm Los in. I'm gonna win big one day when I'm lucky
I used to change them as long as I had very long losing streaks or it made me lose a lot of money, I think you should change them when you really are not giving any results for a while, this is better than repeating a failed strategy.
I understand the rationale behind this statement. Sometimes you can conduct the most intricate analysis and research, and still have luck elude you with consummate ease, leaving you with nothing, to be fair.
I don't usually change my gambling strategy because i don't believe my losing has anything to do with my strategy. I'm just unlucky and that's why I'm Los in. I'm gonna win big one day when I'm lucky
I used to change them as long as I had very long losing streaks or it made me lose a lot of money, I think you should change them when you really are not giving any results for a while, this is better than repeating a failed strategy.
You are absolutely right. I remember a popular quote which goes something like, "Insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting good results". This gives credence to why you should switch up strategy from time to time.
You are absolutely right. I remember a popular quote which goes something like, "Insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting good results". This gives credence to why you should switch up strategy from time to time.
Yes, that is, why continue with a strategy that is not giving you good results? If it is not giving you good results you must change it, because strategies are formulated to try to win, if they fail, they are changed, it is simple.
Yes, that is, why continue with a strategy that is not giving you good results? If it is not giving you good results you must change it, because strategies are formulated to try to win, if they fail, they are changed, it is simple.
You are spot on. There is no need for a gambler to get sentimental about a strategy which is not viable anymore and can easily be countered by opponents. That failing tactic should be replaced.
I always stick to my strategy and make sure i analyse my strategy very well before betting, it's always good to analyse your betting strategy before gambling online to avoid unnecessary loss of money, let's always bet wisely.
It is always better to change strategies when we notice that it may not be working any longer. This will save us from losing much money. Strategies reviews should be done at least 6 months of frequent gambling.