How to start a Poker vlog



As an aspiring poker vlogger and professional player, how do I build an audience through insightful strategies, not just Results? Simply streaming table play isn't enough. How can I craft an engaging style, share lessons learned, discuss dynamics not visible on cam, and cultivate real relationships with fellow grinders? Building a tribe takes time. What’s the secret to making them stick for the adventure, not just the wins?
I think you Invest in a good camera, microphone, and editing software to produce high-quality videos. also Content Strategy like Decide on the type of content you want to feature in your vlog, whether it's strategy tips, hand analysis, or lifestyle elements.
I think Set a regular schedule for your vlog, such as releasing new content weekly or monthly, so your audience knows when to expect new episodes. Also Respond to comments and feedback, and ask your viewers for suggestions on what they want to see in future episodes.