How you should handle setbacks or relapses in your journey to stay gamble-free?



When bad habits or addictions like gambling get best of you even if you try your best to quit, it happens. Having a strong roadmap to stop yourself relapsing again is important in my opinion. When you face setbacks, remind yourself why you wanted to quit. Think of negative impacts on your finances, relationships and mental health. Throw away anything that encourages the addiction. Reconnect with people who support your goal. Keep yourself busy with old hobbies you avoided due to gambling. Most importantly, don't get disappointed over small failures.Just decide right there to try again and continue your journey to stay gamble-free!
Make the setback a chance to develop and learn. Consider what was effective throughout your period of no gambling and what needs improvement. Determine coping mechanisms or alternative pastimes that will enable you to handle cravings, stress, or challenging emotions more effectively in the future.