Is it morally right for addicted parents to be refraining his children from gambling?



Betting may be seen as good and bad depending on the perspectives and the viewers. While some people may see it as being bad, others may be in different to it. It is not uncommon, however, seeing parents that always make sure they warn their children against gambling activities.

Does it now right for an addicted parent to be refraining his children from gambling? Children learn unconsciously from their parents most time and it won't be a surprise imitating whatever act their parents involve in. Do you think a parent that plays bet has moral right to punish his children for involving in gambling.
the children must not always copy everything the parent is actually doing , this is why the parent would always choose to punish the child just Incase there is actually any kind of problem and others I think
Yeah, it's a right thing to do as a parent, parents will always behaves as parents by guilding Their children through the right part because they knows the implications of betting and will avoid their children into it
From the comments, it seems it is better to let parents stop their children from engaging in betting. The fact is that betting is very addictive and if not corrected at all, they may be addicted since they don't know the effects.
Betting may be seen as good and bad depending on the perspectives and the viewers. While some people may see it as being bad, others may be in different to it. It is not uncommon, however, seeing parents that always make sure they warn their children against gambling activities.

Does it now right for an addicted parent to be refraining his children from gambling? Children learn unconsciously from their parents most time and it won't be a surprise imitating whatever act their parents involve in. Do you think a parent that plays bet has moral right to punish his children for involving in gambling.
I think that the addicts are people who have dabbled in gambling to such an extent that they cannot stop, but they know its negative effects and so are in the right when admonishing their children not to do the same.
That's true. It is not always necessary for children not to learn the bad side of their parents. We may need to let them know the reason why we may not want them to involve in it for them to take it so serious.
That's true. It is not always necessary for children not to learn the bad side of their parents. We may need to let them know the reason why we may not want them to involve in it for them to take it so serious.
I agree with this discourse. It is important for parents who are addicts to at least have the self awareness that they are not engaging in a good practice, and so should not encourage their offspring to do same
It is very right but it is hard.
It is very hard to stop your children from doing what you always do. It is very hard.
Children take your footsteps and even if you teach them to stop, they may not listen to you because you also do it.
Your point is a legitimate one, I must say. Children tend to learn off their parents from an early age, and pick up various behaviours and tactics. This could lead to them having an affinity to gamble which could blow up into a full scale addiction
You have a say here
This is why parents should be known of good attitude. Also, it is normal for parents to be gamblers but they should not get addicted to it that it begins to affect their normal behavior and they will influence of the child indirectly.
This is a great assertion. Parents who are gamblers should not even engage in this activity regularly because the majority of their time should be spent on looking after the child and concentrating on their affairs
That's right
There is no way you can fully hide from your children that you are an addicted gambler. They will surely come to know that someday. The best thing is to stop gambling all the time for the sake of your children.
That is probably the most favorubale means by which you can prevent the incidence of gambling in your family. Children follow the examples of their parents very keenly, whether it is in their interests or not
You're right
That's why we always have to trace someone to his family background whenever he does something right or wrong. Children will surely do what their parents do so it is better for them not to gamble at all or not to gamble yo the point that their children will notice. They may not be addicted buttheir children who took after them may be victims of addiction.
This is quite a salient observation. Children often participate in activities that their parents do because they serve as their role models. This is why no matter how much you advise them, it is quite likely that they will follow in your footsteps
Yes it's right for addicted parents to refrain their children from Gambling because if this parents do not refrain their children from gambling can affect their children negatively which will be very bad.
the children must not always copy everything the parent is actually doing , this is why the parent would always choose to punish the child just Incase there is actually any kind of problem and others I think
This is true. But most time, children copy their children especially at the tender age. Since they don't know the implications of this, they always see it as being bad for copying almost all what their parents do. That's why we need to be a good role model.
It is right and normal for addicted parent to refrain his wards from gambling. Experience, according to a quote, is the best teacher. As a result of psychological problem such parent would be passing through, they would not want their children to experience similar fate.
Its way better because for the children not to also get addicted , the parent should actually try to refrain their children from gambling addiction , because gambling addiction based on my observation is a bad habit