Is sports betting luck or skill?


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Sports betting usually has two type of people who play it. there are some people who are professional artists and they have acquired a lot of experience about different method of gambling.

There are some people who don't really know what they are doing with this sport betting.

But one thing that always surprised me is that the majority of the professional sport bet is usually lose a lot of money despite the experience they have gathered together over the years.

The question I have been trying to ask you guys if that is sports betting a lucky or a skill. I wish someone here candy listify the whole thing for me.
Betting is 70% of luck while 30% of skill. There are some reasons why some people think betting is all about skills, while others will think it is about skill. The fact is that no matter how skillful we are, if we are not talented,.we may still not make much money in it.
To actually get some part of sport betting right, you have to be skillful like knowing about the game to a little extent but the main part of sport betting is all about luck. We've seen a situation where some just carry any odds they like without any proper prediction and use it to win millions
Sport betting is basically based on luck because matches are unpredictable and there is absolutely no way you would be hundred percent sure that the outcome of the match would go in line with your forecast.
There are some that are based on skills but the majority of games are based on luck. The one that are based on skills may include virtual games. You only need to study the pattern of wining of the games.
I believe that it is a combination of both skill and luck, although luck does play much more of a major role in this context. That does not mean skill is relegated to the background, because being proficient and knowledgeable in your area of specialization when it comes to betting is also key.
Sport betting requires some ability on your part, such as a basic understanding of the game, but luck plays a major role in the majority of bets. We've seen instances when people simply pick any odds they want without making an accurate prediction and use them to win millions of dollars.
I think it is not a real sense to be discussing what betting is. We only should concern about the winning
.this is because the question is controversial. Some may believe it is luck while other may claim it is skill.
Sports betting is about two types of people skilful their some people who have the skills to play and some who don't have the skills to play and some is not by skills is by luck they can play and win and at the same time they can loss
Naturally, betting is a game of luck. But there are some people that are very good at analysing games. They always study the past events in order for them to choose the best games that will raise their chance of winning.
Sports betting is about two types of people skilful their some people who have the skills to play and some who don't have the skills to play and some is not by skills is by luck they can play and win and at the same time they can loss
One of the best ways to obtain winnings frequently from betting sites is to combine these two attributes. You need to be quite skilled in studying various events before selections, and sometimes you need luck to be able to triumph in your bets.
One of the best ways to obtain winnings frequently from betting sites is to combine these two attributes. You need to be quite skilled in studying various events before selections, and sometimes you need luck to be able to triumph in your bets.
Exactly, but the only factor is that luck is not guaranteed. No one knows the lucky day and no one knows when the luck will smile on us. That's why some people always play bet always to check their luck.
Exactly, but the only factor is that luck is not guaranteed. No one knows the lucky day and no one knows when the luck will smile on us. That's why some people always play bet always to check their luck.
This is what makes betting, casinos and gambling in general so unpredictable. The probabilities of winning and losing are split in half, no matter what the odds of the selections appear to tell you at the time
This is what makes betting, casinos and gambling in general so unpredictable. The probabilities of winning and losing are split in half, no matter what the odds of the selections appear to tell you at the time
They are simply based on luck simply because the winning is not granted and whenever a winning is not guaranteed, it is termed to be a luck and it is only necessary to play such a game with caution and stake an amount that you can afford to lose.
This is what makes betting, casinos and gambling in general so unpredictable. The probabilities of winning and losing are split in half, no matter what the odds of the selections appear to tell you at the time
I think the probability of losing is always high than that of winning. We always have higher number of people that lose more than we always have those that win in betting and any other forms of gamblings.
I think the probability of losing is always high than that of winning. We always have higher number of people that lose more than we always have those that win in betting and any other forms of gamblings.
I was referring to the probability of the occurrence of the events in real life. On paper, the odds are skewed in a certain direction due to a party's supposed superiority, but in real life, the likelihood is still 50% split between both sides.
I think when it comes to sport betting it's mainly depends on how much you trust the team which one to stake your cash on, it also depends on the money you want to use to stake some people choose a little odd then stake high while others choose many odds which is very unsafe.
I think when it comes to sport betting it's mainly depends on how much you trust the team which one to stake your cash on, it also depends on the money you want to use to stake some people choose a little odd then stake high while others choose many odds which is very unsafe.
It is a little bit a mixture of luck and skill because if you have the relevant skill there's every possibility that you would make correct predictions and sometimes luck will also be on your side and you will win surprisingly what you are not expecting.
Sport betting is based on both luck and skill, because no matter how skillful you're you might end up losing your bet, but been skillful is good it will increase your tendency of wining your bet but that doesn't mean you will win every bet you wagered on that's it
Sport betting is based on both luck and skill, because no matter how skillful you're you might end up losing your bet, but been skillful is good it will increase your tendency of wining your bet but that doesn't mean you will win every bet you wagered on that's it
I understand your point but it is very necessary for you to ensure that will you get yourself the understanding and knowledge from sport betting so that you'll be able to insightful decision and also have better chances of winning.