Lottery winner tells how he won 14 jackpots using basic math.

Romanian economist Stefan Mandel, aided by investors in the International Lotto Fund, won 14 lotteries globally by purchasing all possible combinations.

In a YouTube interview, Mandel revealed the strategy, stating anyone could calculate combinations but executing the logistics was the challenge.

Focusing on a Virginia lottery with 7,059,052 combinations they secured the jackpot as the sole winners.
Stefan Mandel's strategy of purchasing all possible combinations in a lottery is known as a "combinatorial math" approach. While it might sound like a surefire way to win, there are several important factors to consider.

Firstly, the feasibility of this strategy heavily depends on the specific lottery's rules, payout structure, and the cost of each ticket. In some cases, the cost of buying every possible combination may far exceed the potential jackpot winnings, making it an impractical approach.

Another crucial consideration is the logistics involved in executing this strategy. As Mandel himself acknowledged, calculating the combinations is relatively simple. However, securing the funding to buy all those tickets and organizing the logistics to ensure each combination is purchased correctly can be a significant challenge.

Furthermore, this strategy requires a substantial financial investment and the involvement of multiple investors, like the International Lotto Fund in Mandel's case. Coordinating such an effort can be complicated, and the additional costs, including transaction fees, legal fees, and taxes, must also be taken into account.

It is worth noting that Mandel's successes occurred several decades ago when lottery regulations were different and fewer people were aware of combinatorial math. Nowadays, lottery organizers have implemented measures to counter such strategies, including limiting the number of tickets an individual can purchase or increasing the number of combinations to make it more challenging to cover all possibilities.

While Mandel's approach did result in multiple jackpot wins, it's crucial to recognize the unique circumstances that allowed him to achieve this. Simply put, this strategy is not a foolproof method for winning lotteries today.