Make Money Betting in 2024 - Have a Betting Plan


Well-known member
If you'rе into bеtting, trеating it likе a businеss can turn lossеs into profits. OLBG suggеsts having a plan:
  • Bе Sеnsiblе: Follow rеsponsiblе gambling guidеlinеs.
  • Businеss Bеtting Plan: Trеat bеtting likе a businеss. Bookmakеrs arе businеssеs; you should bе too.
  • Havе a Plan: Sеt goals, crеatе milеstonеs, and stratеgizе. A plan hеlps you track your progrеss.
  • How Much to Bеt: Considеr using a pеrcеntagе of your bank as your stakе. It adjusts with your bank's changеs.
  • Targеts and Limits: Sеt rеalistic daily, wееkly, and yеarly targеts. Includе a plan for handling lossеs.
  • Rеcord Evеrything: Track dеtails of еach bеt – stakе, profit/loss, and morе. Analyzе your rеcords to improvе.
  • Stick to thе Plan: Don't dеviatе. Disciplinе is kеy.
Rеmеmbеr, bеtting should bе fun. Having a plan can makе it еnjoyablе and potеntially profitablе.
I completely agree with the suggestions provided by OLBG. Treating betting like a business is a smart approach that can help turn losses into profits. Let's go through each point in detail:

1. Be Sensible: Following responsible gambling guidelines is crucial. It's important to set limits on your betting activities and never bet more than you can afford to lose. Responsible gambling ensures that you maintain control over your betting habits.

2. Business Betting Plan: Just like bookmakers are businesses, you should approach betting with a business mindset. This means being organized, disciplined, and focused on long-term profitability. Treat every bet as an investment decision that requires careful analysis and strategy.

3. Have a Plan: Setting goals and creating milestones is essential for tracking your progress. Determine what you want to achieve in terms of profits and establish a plan to reach those goals. Having a plan also keeps you motivated and accountable for your betting activities.

4. How Much to Bet: Considering using a percentage of your bankroll as your stake is a smart approach. This strategy, known as the bankroll management, allows your stake to adjust with your bank's changes. It ensures that you don't put all your eggs in one basket and helps to minimize potential losses.

5. Targets and Limits: Setting realistic daily, weekly, and yearly targets is beneficial. This allows you to measure your success and keep track of your performance over time. It's also important to plan for handling losses by having predefined stop-loss limits to prevent chasing losses.

6. Record Everything: Keeping detailed records of each bet is crucial for analyzing your performance. Track important information such as stake, profit/loss, odds, and bet type. Analyzing your records can help you identify patterns, evaluate your strategies, and make adjustments as needed.

7. Stick to the Plan: Discipline is key to betting success. Once you have a solid plan in place, it's important to stick to it and avoid deviating from your strategies. Emotional decision-making and impulsive betting can lead to poor outcomes. Trust your plan and have the discipline to follow it consistently.

Overall, having a betting plan is crucial for long-term success and enjoyment in the world of betting. Adhering to a plan allows you to approach betting more analytically, increase your chances of profitability, and reduce the risk of impulsive decisions. Remember, while the ultimate goal is to make a profit, it's important to always view betting as a form of entertainment and to enjoy the process.
Having a betting plan is actually good , you should actually have a plan and strategy on how you are going to be betting , because it's the plan you create that would ofcourse affect the way you would be earning off betting