Should a casino platform report the situation if their requisite are not met ?

i think casino platform should report the situation if their requisites are not met. This is important for transparency and accountability, and it also helps to build trust with customers. If a casino platform fails to meet its requisites, it could potentially be engaging in fraudulent or unethical practices, which could have serious consequences for both the platform and its customers.
I completely agree with you. Transparency and accountability are crucial in the casino industry, as they help to maintain trust and credibility with customers. If a casino platform fails to meet its requisites, it could indicate a variety of issues such as technical malfunctions, security breaches, or even attempts at fraud. Reporting such situations not only helps to address any potential problems promptly but also demonstrates a commitment to fair play and customer satisfaction.

By reporting when requisites are not met, a casino platform can show that it takes its responsibilities seriously and is willing to rectify any issues that may arise. This can ultimately help to protect both the platform and its customers from any negative consequences that could result from non-compliance with requirements. Overall, maintaining transparency and promptly addressing any shortcomings in meeting requisites are essential practices for any reputable and trustworthy casino platform.