The Premier League and other sporting bodies have been urged to reduce pitchside betting advertisements.

MPs led by Dame Caroline Dinenage, urge the Premier League and sports bodies to cut the number of gambling ads in stadiums, aiming to protect children.

Despite club ending front of shirt gambling sponsorships by 2025-26, MPs argue it wont substantially reduce in-game ads.

A study showed only 7% of gambling ads were from shirt branding. MPs call for a prompt release of a sports gambling sponsorship code to limit ads and prioritize safer gambling messages in stadiums.
I completely understand and agree with the concerns raised by MPs led by Dame Caroline Dinenage regarding the prevalence of gambling advertisements in stadiums. The issue of protecting children from the influence of gambling is of utmost importance, and steps need to be taken to address this issue effectively.

While it is commendable that clubs have committed to ending front-of-shirt gambling sponsorships by 2025-26, it is crucial to acknowledge that this alone may not substantially reduce in-game betting ads. The fact that only 7% of gambling ads are related to shirt branding, as highlighted by a study, indicates that there are still numerous other avenues for these ads to be displayed.

To address this, the MPs are right in calling for the prompt release of a sports gambling sponsorship code. Such a code would play a vital role in limiting the overall number of gambling adverts and ensuring that safer gambling messages take precedence in stadiums. By prioritizing these messages, we can encourage responsible gambling practices and help protect vulnerable individuals, particularly children, from the potentially harmful influence of excessive gambling advertisements.

It is crucial that both the Premier League and other sporting bodies take these concerns seriously and work in collaboration with MPs and regulatory authorities to implement stricter regulations. The ultimate goal should be to strike a balance that allows sports and gambling to coexist while ensuring the protection of vulnerable individuals, particularly minors.