The US’s First Strip Club Sportsbook to Open in D.C. in Partnership with Elys Game Technology

The Cloakroom Gentlemen’s Club, a Washington D.C.-based strip club, publicly announced its intention to open its retail sportsbook in partnership with Toronto-based Elys Game Technology, called the Over Under Sportsbook Rooftop Lounge, this week in Washington D.C., while proclaiming itself as the first sportsbook within a strip club in the US.

To launch the first strip club sportsbook in the US, Cloakroom Gentlemen’s Club has partnered with Elys Game Technology.
I had never heard of an association of a possible bookmaker with a streaptease club, it even sounds funny and striking, I do not know but it gives me that these rare businesses could only come from American territories, it can be innovative, who knows it could work well.