Three Aces in Succession, a Moment to Remember


I have been playing cards since I was a little boy , but some moments stand out more than others. One such remarkable occasion was when I got three aces one after the other.

I cannot exactly recall which hand those three aces came in, neither do I recollect the bets I placed or lost during that game. But what remains etched in my memory is the sheer joy and disbelief I felt upon seeing the third ace come out of the pack.

For a few fleeting moments, I truly believed luck was on my side. The feelings of happiness and accomplishment are things I will never forget, even if I cannot recollect the details of that hand very well now.

While high points are short-lived in card games, it is the everlasting memories they create that keep us wanting to play again. So the next time you are dealt apparently impossible odds, do not dread it. Instead, welcome the opportunity for a narrative that might stay with you for a lifetime.