Twitch streamer gets banned for gambling fraud

Last year, Sliker, a renowned Twitch streamer, exposed himself for defrauding others to fund his gambling addiction. In late September of last year, it was revealed that the content creator had cheated fans and other creators out of several hundred thousand dollars. Twitch booted him off the network briefly well before the channel resurfaced last month, but his comeback was brief. Twitch have recently been quite strict on gambling protocols, just as they have emphasized in their rule book.
It not good to fraud other people all in the name of you want to make more money. Money is the root of all evil, so in what ever we do we should consider other people and not to think of how we can Cain from them

So it not a good idea to fraud other people
If a Twitch streamer engages in gambling fraud, it is a violation of Twitch's terms of service, and the streamer may face disciplinary action, including a ban from the platform.

Gambling fraud can take many forms, but it generally involves a person cheating or misleading others in order to win at a game of chance or other gambling activity. This can include using rigged equipment, colluding with other players, or misrepresenting the rules of the game.
It not good to fraud other people all in the name of you want to make more money. Money is the root of all evil, so in what ever we do we should consider other people and not to think of how we can Cain from them

So it not a good idea to fraud other people
It is very vile behaviour when someone wants to use dubious means to enrich themselves at the expense of their fellow human being. I do not condone this action in the slightest, to be honest with you