What is a "dominated hand" in poker?



In the context of poker, a "dominated hand" refers to a situation where one player's hand is significantly weaker than their opponent's hand. This typically occurs when both players have the same type of hand, such as a pair, but one player's pair is of higher rank than the other player's pair.

For example, let's say one player has a pair of kings (K-K) and another player has a pair of tens (10-10). In this scenario, the player with the pair of kings has a dominated hand because the other player's pair of tens is of lower rank. The player with the pair of kings is in a much stronger position and is likely to win the hand unless the community cards (flop, turn, and river) significantly improve the other player's hand.

What is a "dominated hand" in poker?
In poker, a "dominated hand" is a term used to describe a situation where one player's starting hand is significantly weaker than another player's hand. This occurs when both players have the same type of hand, such as both having pairs, but one player's pair is of a higher rank than the other player's pair. The dominating hand has a higher chance of winning the hand because it has a better rank or higher value.

For example, let's say one player is dealt A-K (Ace-King) and another player is dealt A-2 (Ace-2). In this scenario, the player with the Ace-King has a dominated hand because the Ace-2 is of lower rank in terms of card value. The player with Ace-King has a stronger starting hand as they have a better chance of making stronger combinations like a pair of Aces with a stronger kicker (the King).

Being aware of dominated hands is crucial in poker because it helps players make informed decisions. If a player realizes that their hand is dominated by their opponent's hand, they might choose to fold, minimizing their losses, or be more cautious in their play. Conversely, if a player realizes their hand is dominating their opponents, they can be more aggressive and increase their bets or raises, maximizing their potential winnings.