What is a "gap hand" in poker?



A "gap hand" in poker is a starting hand where the two hole cards' ranks differ from one another. It specifically means that the two cards do not have the same rank as one another. Gap hands include, for example, hands like 9-7, 10-6, or J-9.

Gap hands are significant because the possibility of the hand to form powerful combinations, such as straights, can be impacted by the gap between the ranks. In general, the less related the cards are, the less likely it is that a straight or straight draw would occur. However, other elements like the card suites and the game's overall context can also affect how strong a gap hand is.
Furthermore, gap hands are usually more difficult to play post-flop because they have less straight and flush potential, which limits their strength. Therefore, players who decide to play such hands need to be more cautious and strategic in their play. If the gap hand is played correctly, it can lead to significant gains as it can often confuse the opponents who may not anticipate its strength.

However, it is important to note that gap hands should not be played excessively as they are less powerful in general. A rule of thumb to follow is to play gap hands more aggressively in late position, especially if no one else has yet entered the pot. Tighter play is typically attributed to the early positions, which become more liberal in later positions.

Moreover, it is equally important to consider the table dynamics, individual player tendencies, and the size of the pot. The decision to play a gap hand should also be based on the amount of information a player has gathered about their opponents' playing styles. A key concept in poker is to read the table and adjust one's play accordingly.

In summary, a gap hand is any starting hand in poker where the two cards rank differently. These hands can be both beneficial and disadvantageous depending on several factors, such as their potential to form powerful combinations, the game context, the position of the player, table dynamics, and individual player tendencies. Therefore, it is critical to consider all these factors when playing a gap hand.