What is column tracking?



Column tracking, also known as scorecard tracking, is a method used in Baccarat to keep track of the outcomes of each hand in the game. Baccarat players often use a scorecard that has a grid of squares in rows and columns. Each square corresponds to a hand of the game, and players mark the outcomes of the hands by placing symbols in the squares. By analyzing the patterns on the scorecard, players try to identify trends in the outcomes of the game and use these patterns to inform their betting decisions. Some common scorecard tracking patterns used in Baccarat include the Big Eye Boy (also called the Big Road or Bead Plate), the Small Road, and the Cockroach Pig. These patterns visually represent the outcomes of multiple hands according to certain rules that may vary depending on the specific scorecard being used.
Column tracking is a technique in baccarat where players monitor the results of the game using a scorecard divided into columns with squares. Each square is analogous to a hand in the game, and the player marks the square with a certain symbol or color depending on whether the Player or the Banker wins the hand.
Column tracking is looking for patterns or trends in which columns are hitting more frequently by analyzing the results of previous spins. The theory is that some columns may have a higher short-term hit rate than others based on past performance.
Column tracking is a strategy in Baccarat where players monitor the game's results by marking them on a Baccarat scorecard using columns. There are usually four columns on a Baccarat scorecard. Player, bank, tie and natural