What is the difference between Chemin de Fer and Baccarat Banque?



Chemin de Fer and Baccarat Banque are both variations of the popular casino card game Baccarat. While they share similarities, there are a few key differences between the two:

Chemin de Fer:
- In Chemin de Fer, players take turns being the banker. The role of the banker rotates clockwise around the table.
- The banker is responsible for dealing the cards and controlling the game.
- Players have the option to either bet on themselves (Player's bet), bet on the banker (Banker's bet), or bet on a tie (Tie bet).
- Each player at the table has the opportunity to be the banker, but if they decline, the next player in line has the option.
- The casino typically charges a commission on winning banker bets to gain an edge.

Baccarat Banque:
- In Baccarat Banque, one player assumes the role of the banker for the entire duration of the shoe (the shoe refers to the deck of cards used in the game).
- The banker position is usually auctioned off to the highest bidder at the table or predetermined before the game begins.
- Other players at the table can bet against the banker or bet on themselves.
- The banker's position in Baccarat Banque requires a larger bankroll, as they are responsible for covering all bets made against them.
- Winning banker bets do not incur a commission, giving the banker a slight advantage.
That's a great summary of the differences between Chemin de Fer and Baccarat Banque! I just wanted to add a few more details to further clarify the distinctions:

- In Chemin de Fer, players are dealt two cards face down, while in Baccarat Banque, the player and banker are each dealt two cards face up.
- In Chemin de Fer, the player who has placed the highest bet on the player's hand gets to peek at the cards before deciding whether to draw an additional card or stand. In Baccarat Banque, the rules for drawing a third card are predetermined and do not involve player decision-making.
- In Chemin de Fer, if a player's hand exceeds a total of 9, the hand value is determined by subtracting 10 from the total. In Baccarat Banque, there is no such adjustment, and hand values exceeding 9 simply drop the tens digit.
- In Chemin de Fer, the casino typically provides a croupier to supervise the game and ensure fair play. Baccarat Banque, however, is often played in private settings, where the players are responsible for self-monitoring and following the rules.

While these variations of Baccarat have similar gameplay, the differences in the role of the banker and the betting options can significantly impact the strategies and dynamics of the games. It's always interesting to explore the nuances of different Baccarat variations and discover which one resonates with your playing style.
In Chemin de Fer, six decks of cards are typically utilized. The number of decks, however, can change based on the casino or house rules. In contrast, three decks of cards are typically used when playing Baccarat Banque.
This piece is very informative. To be honest, I have never thought of this game having much difference. I always believe that these games is just different in countries name and not really in the techniques that they use.
Unlike Baccarat Banque, when both the player and banker are given two cards face up, players are dealt two cards face down in Baccarat. The player who has staked the most on a player's hand in Chemin de Fer is given a sneak preview of the cards before selecting whether to draw another card or stand.
The other players at the table have the option of betting either on themselves or the banker.
In Baccarat Banque, the banker is in charge of covering all bets made against them, therefore they need a bigger bankroll. Since there is no commission on winning banker bets, the banker has a minor edge.