What is the optimal wager for this game between UD Ibiza and Eibar?



What is the optimal wager for this game between UD Ibiza and Eibar?

Prediction for UD Ibiza vs. Eibar
Match day: January 8, 2023, Sunday

Football – La Liga 2 in Spain

In their most recent LaLiga2 away game against Levante, who were much favored, Eibar put up a respectable fight, maintaining their composure and toughness to earn a point in a scoreless contest.

Overly cautiously, they began the game on defense, and even though the visitors were threatened on a number of occasions during the second half, they weathered the pressure and emerged victorious.

In the overall standings, Eibar is currently in third place, trailing Las Palmas by just one point.
What is the optimal wager for this game between UD Ibiza and Eibar?

Prediction for UD Ibiza vs. Eibar
Match day: January 8, 2023, Sunday

Football – La Liga 2 in Spain

In their most recent LaLiga2 away game against Levante, who were much favored, Eibar put up a respectable fight, maintaining their composure and toughness to earn a point in a scoreless contest.

Overly cautiously, they began the game on defense, and even though the visitors were threatened on a number of occasions during the second half, they weathered the pressure and emerged victorious.

In the overall standings, Eibar is currently in third place, trailing Las Palmas by just one point.
I am leaning just towards an Eibar win away from home, even though Ibiza could cause a surprise. I do not expect this encounter to be a goalfest so an Eibar win or draw and under 3.5 could be a wise choice.