What restrict you from involving in gambling?



There are many reasons why some people are not into betting. Some do not really have time for it may be because of the nature of their works and since most betting except for some few are time sensitive, they don't involve in betting.

Some people are not investing in betting because of their parents. They are still staying with their parents or may be the parents have access to them. They may deal with if involved...

Others may be because of their religion beliefs, societal stigmatization and lack of money. Some may be because of government policies.
I think lack of money is the real problem there ,like for Instance when you don't have too much money with you , I think it would actually prevent you from making more gambling games ,so lack of money is the issue there
Different reasons are always involved one being that it is addictive and people don't want that .As you have mentioned Some do not really have time for it some people don't have the money, some is the fear of losing money etc Some people are not investing in betting because of their parents.