When the casino cashier in a casino shop calculates your amount payable wrongly, what do you do?

Sometimes, we just step into a physical casino shop and we start playing games consecutively. We keep playing more and more till we are exhausted. Now comes the time for payment, the casino cashier says the worth of the games you have played is higher than what you calculated and estimated to pay.

You calculate in your mind again and are still convinced that the cashier is making a mistake in her calculation. What do you do in such a scenario?
In such a scenario, it is important to handle the situation calmly and follow these steps:

1. Politely express your concern: Begin by stating that you believe there might be a mistake in the calculation and politely point out the amount you calculated. Avoid being confrontational or aggressive in your approach.

2. Double-check the calculations: Request to see the breakdown of how the amount is calculated. Verify each game and its corresponding value. Make sure to compare it with your own calculations to identify any discrepancies.

3. Provide evidence: If you had been keeping track of your game plays, showing the cashier your records or receipts can help support your claim. These records can act as evidence to determine the accurate amount you owe.

4. Request a second opinion: If the issue cannot be resolved with the cashier, ask to speak to a supervisor or manager. Explain the situation respectfully and request their assistance in resolving the discrepancy.

5. Keep a record: Throughout the process, make sure to keep a detailed record of whom you spoke to, the date and time, and any relevant information discussed. This documentation can be helpful if you need to escalate the issue further.

6. Request an audit: If the issue remains unresolved or you feel unfairly treated, ask for an audit of your gameplay history. An audit will involve a thorough examination of your playing records to ensure that all calculations are accurate.

7. Seek regulatory assistance: If all attempts to resolve the issue directly with the casino are unsuccessful, consider contacting the appropriate regulatory authority or commission that oversees casinos in your jurisdiction. Submit a formal complaint with all the supporting information and evidence.

It is important to remain calm and respectful throughout the entire process. Escalate the situation gradually, only pursuing further action if necessary. Remember that mistakes can happen, and the goal is to address and rectify the issue in a fair and reasonable manner.
Most time the casino cashier says that you should accept bet changes that could be subject to changes due to the calculation and amount of money placed before placing your bet means what you say is true if you do not tick this box but the casino itself could not pay money from its pocket money so apply even this rule in this case also.