Will it cost the casino customer service a lot to launch a better offline customer service ?

i think launching a better offline customer service can incur costs for companies, including hiring and training staff, setting up physical customer service centers, and investing in equipment and technology.Also ,the cost of implementing such changes can be outweighed by the benefits of providing satisfying customer experiences, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue.
I completely agree with your points regarding the costs associated with launching a better offline customer service. Indeed, investing in hiring and training staff, setting up physical customer service centers, and acquiring the necessary equipment and technology can result in significant expenses for casinos. Additionally, the ongoing costs of maintaining and improving offline customer service should also be taken into consideration.

However, as you rightfully mentioned, the benefits of providing excellent offline customer service can certainly outweigh these costs in the long run. Satisfying customer experiences can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and ultimately higher revenues for the casino. By investing in enhancing their offline customer service, casinos can differentiate themselves from competitors and build a strong reputation for exceptional customer care.

It's important for casinos to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of launching a better offline customer service strategy and consider it as a long-term investment in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Ultimately, providing high-quality offline customer service can be a key differentiator in today's competitive gambling industry and can result in positive outcomes for the casino in terms of customer retention and overall business growth.
Making offline customer service better might need spending money on training, equipment, and staff. But in the end, it's worth it because happy customers are more likely to come back.