What are some signs that I might have a gambling addiction?



You start winning sometimes, feeling lucky. Before you know it, more losing but still chasing the bet. Lies build up to cover tracks, responsibilities go out the window. Money due today now betting away tomorrow.

Feels good don't it? Good luck turning bad habit into social life or work ethic. Homey liar or stolen cash finance the play as life falls apart? Think you'd know for sure by now if addiction sank its hooks.

Win more to feel the thrill again, it's the rush that got ya hooked. Pals and lovers exit scene, addicted to the roll. Cops or creditors calling now for an interview? Well, the house will garnish those winnings for damages.

Reasons to gamble grow like bad debts. Ain't joy in it no more just grinding desperate. Call it quits in jail or junkie brother. Only debts and lies left to show years lost now.

The casino holds your " if only" s, regrets bigger than unmet bills. The cost of chasing losses: relationships too dear, health flushed. The bets keep rising as little pleasure remains.

Check cashing for fix money or charging limits cycle without end. The thrill gone but now habits hard to break. Never enough damage yet to merit getting help.

Until that fateful day each bet seems make or break. Yet none break the bank like playing for life and limb each hand. Too far gone now to help yourself, player pals scatter, all fades to black.

If this sounds familiar, call someone who cares. A hand at help is there with open hearts. Addictive roll of the dice not worth final bust. Tell your truth, break chains however long. Care for yourself like life depends on it, for real stake this time is life.

Stories of near wins and what might have been will haunt if not faced what’s come undone. Best win here is freeing tomorrow from slavery to the roll. Your name's still on it, don't leave house in shambles of what once stood full of joy and laughter.

Roll the dice on new day at hand, never again left to fate or feverish addiction. Be free. Live honest. Love with full heart now unbound by destructive roll.
The signs are maybe you continue to gamble despite negative consequences: Even if you have experienced negative consequences from gambling, such as financial problems, strained relationships, or legal issues, you continue to gamble.
Recognizing the signs of a gambling addiction is an important step in seeking help and support. Here are some common signs that indicate you may have a gambling addiction: Preoccupation with Gambling: Constantly thinking about gambling, planning the next gambling session, or reliving past gambling experiences.
There are many signs that could indicate the signs that one is being infected with addiction. Some of them are habit of gambling uncontrollably. Gamble with the sole purpose of making money at all cost. Making attempt to recover All losses made. Gamble with borrowed loans.